How BBNC Enables Business To Operate Smoothly

Nithin Shetty Explains How BBNC Enables Business To Operate Smoothly From Anywhere In The World: GoodFirms

BBNC is a technology-driven entity that offers its services virtually across India. The company was started with a simple mission to make the business processes in India easy and seamless. BBNC has a team of professionals, including professional chartered accountants, cost accountants, lawyers, and company secretaries. They are dedicated to helping entrepreneurs and companies and […]

Different ways to fund your startup in the initial stage

How To Fund Your Startup? Here Are 4 Effective Ways

Starting a business is hard but starting a business without any money is even harder. For most businesses, funding is needed at the early stages to help them grow. There are many different ways to fund your startup and each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. There are many different methods that you can […]

Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Amendment Bill, 2021

Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Amendment Bill, 2021

The LLP Act was introduced in Rajya Sabha on 30th July 2021. It is all about to amend the existing Limited Liability Partnership Act,2008. LLPs are becoming popular among start-ups. An amendment is being proposed to the LLP Act for the first time,’ said finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman. Key Changes in the Bill: Small LLP: […]